Sunday, August 2, 2015



Scientist have confirmed that to sleep without clothes is much healthier than traditional ways of sleeping with cloth on. Here are seven perfectly logical, totally scientific reasons why you should sleep without clothes;

1. You’ll get way better sleep.

According to The American Academy of Sleep Medicine, your body temperature naturally declines as a part of your Circadian Rhythm as you sleep deeply. Wearing pajamas and under wears could disrupt this natural drop in temperature and, as a result, disrupt your body’s sleep cycle. Disruption in the natural decline of body temperature is also directly linked to insomnia. If you can’t cool down, you’re going to get better sleep.
By skipping the PJs, you’re really just helping your overall sleep improve. That’s just science.

2. It can help your skin.

For once your body gets to breathe. Your private parts, armpits, and feet are generally restricted all day and are often covered by multiple layers, even in the summer time. Give those parts a chance to air out and breathe. This can lower the risk of skin diseases, like athlete’s foot, that result from wet, restricted skin. Jennifer Landa, MD, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women says sleeping naked is healthy for your downstairs. Because your this part has a climate similar to a tropical rain forest, it can be a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.
By ditching underwear and pajamas, you allow aeration it requires to stay dry and healthy. And, as we all know, a healthy creates happiness.

3. You’ll reduce your belly size.

If you opt for sleeping in the buff, you could reduce the fat around your belly and even lower your cholesterol.
According to the Huffington Post, your body cools down at night, increasing your growth hormones while simultaneously decreasing your levels of cortisol, which will result in “healthy sleep patterns.”
The perfect night’s sleep would be comprised of two cycles: the first has your body recuperating with lower cortisol levels and the second sees your body working to increase these levels in preparation for the next day so that you might have energy when you wake up.
If you sleep overheated your cortisol levels tend to stay high, even after you wake up. This can lead to increased anxiety, cravings for bad food, weight gain, and more terrible things. Sleep naked so you can keep your body temperature down and sleep well so your body can properly produce and regulate cortisol.

4. It can keep your sex organs happier.

For men, the cooler sleeping conditions allows your testes to remain at a cooler temperature. This helps keep your sperm healthy and your reproductive systems functioning as normal. For women, the cooler and more airy sleeping conditions can actually help prevent yeast infections. Yeast grows better in warm, moist conditions. When it’s cooler and dryer, the growth of yeast is prevented.

5. You won’t have to take a shower in the morning.

If there’s one thing girls hate to do, it’s shower. And if there’s one thing a human person hates, it’s showering first thing in the morning, as it forces you to wake up a full 20 to 30 minutes earlier.
But if you don’t wear pajamas or underwears, you’ll stay cool throughout the night, drastically increasing the likeliness of a good hair day the following morning.
If you get too hot in your sleep, you’re going to sweat… and if you sweat, it means you would have to shower in the morning.

6. It’s just easier.

When it comes to #TeamBed, we’re all just trying to get up in those comfy pillows and blankets as quickly as we possibly can. Putting on pajamas and underwear inherently means more work: You have to take off your clothes, pick out your PJ's , and then put them on. That might seem like a lazy thing to say, but sometimes the closet (or the kitchen, or the bathroom) is just too far away.
7. Balances your melatonin and growth hormone.
Continuing along that same vein, keeping your sleeping environment below 21 degrees (C) every night can help your body regulate its melatonin and growth hormone levels. These chemicals help the body do things like prevent aging and are essential to good health. When you sleep in clothes, your body heats up and prevents effective use of these hormones. In other words, sleeping with clothes on makes you grow old faster.

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